For all of you MAC users out there Is it really true that you can surf the net even download songs with out getting computer viruses?
If so WOW. What a money saver. I bet alot more people will be switching to MACS before they chose to up-date to the new Vista Which is costly!
Is it true that Mac and Apple comuters do not get viruses?photoshop
I own both a MAC and a Windows with XP and my 8 year old MAC has never glitched. It is solid as a rock. As soon as the new MAC OS comes out in April I will be purchasing a new one. Windows is a constant hassle with upgrades and service packs to offset the last service pack. I understand that Microsoft is already working on SP-1 for Vista and Vista isn't even out yet.
Is it true that Mac and Apple comuters do not get viruses?symatec
No, Mac are vulnerable to viruses, though there aren't many as there are with Windows. There are going to be Mac viruses one day that are going to cause more damages than Windows because almost all Mac users don't have an antivirus program installed on their Macs. It's going to be a nightmare for Apple.
NO MACs can still get viruses. its just that there are more viruses that are targeted towards windows since this is the more common OS. but MAC os is not invincable.
no, but fewer than windows
they can get viruses but not as many as a pc
because mac OS is a less common operating system than Windows, less viruses are written for Mac OS. However, a Mac running windows is just as sucseptible to viruses as any other windows machine
Alot of people havent been switching to Macs for the last 20 years! The fact that most software is written for PCs is the reason for its popularity! You cant find much software for a Mac! What makes you think they will now? As far as viruses, dont kid yourself! If Macs were anywhere near as popular as PCs, they would be rampant with viruses! The whole idea of a virus is to infect as many computers as they possibly can! People who write malware arent interested in the 5 percent of computer users who use Macs! Apples latest gimmick is to produce a Mac that will run windows! What does that tell you? Of course anyone who wanted Windows who had a brain wouldnt buy an already overpriced Mac, a new hard drive, and a copy of windows XP unless they were a total idiot! I am sure there are some out there who will! Bottom line is, if Mac were to even become remotely as popular as a PC, it wouldnt take long for people who enjoy making viruses to find a multitude of ways to infest the bejeesus out of it!
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